A digital-based education that provides learning and training programs for entrepreneurs, students and professionals. The program will also ensure that participants have access to mentors, careers and certifications that match their skills, industry and job function.
Kelas offline akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 April, dan 3, 10, 17 Mei 2025 di ITB Kampus Jakarta.
Perkuat keterampilan kepemimpinan, pemikiran strategis, dan kecerdasan bisnis dalam era teknologi AI dengan mengikuti Program AI for Business Leader.
AIBL Program is structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience that covers essential topics and allows students to develop their skills progressively. The program follows a modular structure and is designed to be completed within a flexible timeframe.
Digital Mindset, Data Literacy & Data Driven Organizational Culture - Titah Yudhistira, S.T., M.T., PH.D.
Introduction to AI & AI Technology - Dr. Eng. Ayu Purwarianti ST, MT
AI System Development - Dr. Dessi Puji Lestari, ST.,M.Eng.